We'll, so far I am living up to my word "do" for year. I've got several interesting projects that I am pursuing right now. I'm not ready to talk about it yet, but here is a hint:
In other news, we are in the middle of birthday week. Luke's 6th birthday was last Thursday. We had a joint party for both Luke and Jack last Saturday. It was at IPEZ (a local place that just holds kids birthday parties. They have a big indoor playground of inflatable slides and jumping things). Let me tell you, four, five and six year old can be extremely loud!
Jack's actual birthday is this Sunday. It will be another trip to Chuck E. Cheese's for the family. Staying on my diet at CEC's is easy because their pizza is really bad. Jack, however, wants a Carvel ice cream cake, so I might have a little trouble with that.
Speaking of diet, I have lost seven pounds. Grumpy me is not very happy about it though. It sucks to go through the pain of dieting just to get back to where you were three months ago! It is nice, however, to be able to wear my jeans again.
So, I signed up to play in a doubles round-robin tennis tournament on Friday. The proceeds go to Cole's school. I am soooo nervous about it. I have never done anything like this before. But, I figure it will help me toward my resolution to play on a tennis team next year. I must remember my word - DO!
Sorry about being a slacker blogger. I have alot of things popping off right now. Wish me luck in the tournament and my new adventures.
I really love that picture!
Posted by: Leesa | February 02, 2007 at 03:26 PM