I received my first Christmas card in the mail today. This person has earned a place on my sh*t list. It bothers me to no end to receive Christmas cards before December 1 (and even then it is a little too early).
Actually, there is only one other person on my sh*t. I got her card the day after Thanksgiving which means she mailed them BEFORE Thanksgiving.
While I feel honored to receive your Christmas card and truly appreciate our friendship, your timing says something else to me. It says that you are more organized and prepared. Even though I know you have a difficult and hectic life, you are way better than me and everyone else on your list. You can do it all. Whoopee for you!
There may come a year when I actually do all of my Christmas cards in July. But I promise you that I will not put them in the mail until mid-December.
Actually, I have a lot of respect for those cards that I get on Christmas Eve and even the week after Christmas. That says to me that you were very busy, but you still, somehow, found the time to let your friends know you care.
So, what does it mean to be on my permanent sh*t list. Well, not much really. I am still fond of you and wish you only the best. I really do thank you for your card. But I have a memory like an elephant and one year, I may send you your Christmas card in August. Or maybe I will make your card say Merry Christmas 2007, 2008, 2009 ...etc.