New Year's day is such a perfect time to reflect on the past year and set some goals for the new year. I looked back at last year's resolutions (you can too, if you check the archives for December and January). I only accomplished one of my resolutions, but man did I ever accomplish it with gusto! That one about treating my boys individually and exposing them to opportunities. So did that (and still do it) when they started at Sweetwater Episcopal Academy.
So, this year, I have decided to do a few of the old resolutions and add a couple ones that I will absolutely do, so that I can have some feeling of accomplishment this time next year.
Here it goes.
1. I resolve to see Bruce Springsteen in concert (specifically on April 20th)
2. Something that I am doing with my friend, Kim - I resolve to learn (actually relearn because I knew it once) the choreography to the video "Thriller" and perform it at one of our cul-de-sac parties.
3. More seriously, I resolve to lose 20 lbs. My weight is creeping back up. If I don't stop it, it will just get harder and harder to get it off. This is more of a fact than a resolution. It will happen. I will start moving again and watching my sugar/carb intake. I simply feel better and have more energy when I do. Lord knows I need to feel better and have more energy.
4. I resolve to make one ATC (artist trading card) a week. I am going to follow Emily Falconbridge's 52 prompts from last year. Surely I can eek out one small piece of creativity week.
5. I resolve to make at least one layout a month from my Jenni Bowlin kits. I love getting her monthly kits, but I am scrapbooking so little that I don't use much of it.
6. I resolve to write our wills and see a financial planner. This is the same resolution that I make every year and never do. I think I will actually do it this year. Some things have changed in our lives that make this more necessary. Also I have been doing a lot of things that suck this year. What is one more thing to add to my "Things I Have To Do That Suck list?"
7. I resolve to go to bed a little earlier so that I can function earlier in the morning and perhaps get more done.
Remember last year's one little word? You can read more about it here and here. Last year my word was "Do" and, oh yes, I did. I didn't exactly do what I set out to do, but I did plenty. I guess the word took on a different meaning the second part of the year.
Well, I have chosen my word for this year. You'll find out when I do my new blog header.