Not to worry all you worriers, everything and everyone is fine. Just extremely busy with the end of school year. Spending the month of June at the beach with the boys. Plan to spend lots of time relaxing and creating and reading and yelling and my kids to be quiet and stop fighting and, oh yeah, blogging.
Trying to get things ready and packed for the trip to Tennessee tomorrow. My nephew is graduating high school. I don't think he believes it is a big deal, but it is. We leave tomorrow and will be back Sunday night. Extremely quick trip.
I wanted to post this project I made at the Inspired Artist event I went to in April. I haven't been able to show it, because I wanted to give it to my mom for Mother's Day. Since she is the only one who reads this blog, she was bound to see it!
This was such a fun class. The teacher, Christina Lazar-Schuler is SO talented and creative. I have bought lots of stuff from her since the workshop.
The piece is an 8x8 square fabric piece (kind of like a quilt square) with a photo, fabric transfers and lots of beads and stitches for embellishments. I really enjoyed making it and hope to make more. You could hang it by a ribbon or add eyelets and keyrings and make a whole fabric album.
I chose to mount it on cardstock and frame it in a 12x12 shadowbox frame. The only downside is you can't see the beautiful fabric on the back.
The photo of the piece really sucks. The green cardstock is not really so garish.
Stay tuned next week for some big thoughts and bigger announcements!
Whew! Things are busy, busy, busy around here. And well, I am totally over it! The school year is wrapping up, but I think I wrapped it up about two weeks ago. Projects are due. Parties need to be planned. Stuff needs to be purchased and brought in. I have had ENOUGH! I was looking forward to doing beach photography sessions while we are at the beach in June. But right now, I can't even stand the thought of it. I am just so tired. I already threatened the boys that if they are bad and complaining they are bored while we are at the beach, then I am sending them all the Starchild Summer Camp - a horrible fate in their eyes.
So today was Mother's Day and way too short, I must say. I told Gary that I am going to lobby Congress for Mother's Fortnight. I think they would pass it, because they have no trouble agreeing on pointless, pandering legislation. But, I digress. I got one of those cool Flip video cameras and made my first movie. This will no doubt make me shed buckets of tears in the coming years.
I am studing light in this photography course I am taking. So I have been thinking about it a lot. I bought these beautiful bright orange daisies at the grocery store the other day. I love them because they remind me of the robes that Buddhist monks wear. Anyway, I wondered how they would glow in the bright sunlight against a bright blue sky. So, I took them outside and put them on a six foot ladder. Then, I took pictures from all angles shooting from below. Here is what I came up with.
That's all for now. Busy week ahead ending in a trip to Tennessee with all my boys to see my nephew graduate. AND, remember that thing I told you about that would make you pee your pants. I might be able to post it at the end of the week.
Check out the right side bar under the heading I'm All A-Twitter. Twitter is this kind of microblogging thing that you can do by text messaging. You can post what you are doing or what you are thinking throughout the day. There is a whole twitter community. You can choose who you want follow and, of course, others follow you.
All in all it is a pretty narcissistic to think that anybody gives a flip what you are doing or thinking at any given time. Well, I am so totally about myself that I had to jump right on this bandwagon.
So, any time you are wondering about me, just check the sidebar. Or even better, you could open a twitter account and I could follow you, too!
Remember that infant photo shoot I did last December? I finally, FINALLY, finished it and got the gallery on the web. So, if you want to see the best pics, click on the the Flickr menu on the right side of this blog. I got some pretty cool comments on the feather picture, which was my favorite, too.
I wouldn't tell my client this (it's okay, nobody reads this blog) but I am disappointed with the shoot. Not that the mom and baby weren't fantastic, it was totally me. My head just wasn't in it. It was too close to Christmas and I was crazy busy. I wasn't prepared. I wasn't there mentally. I can really see the difference between this shoot and baby David's shoot. I was able to get some decent shots out of it, but this is completely the reason I will never do wedding photography. You only get one chance to get it right. There are no do overs. Just like like little Maddy will never be 12 days old again. In this case, however, the parents have plenty of other pictures.
Getting ready for school to be out. Looking forward to the beach. More later.
Kal Barteski I am an artist of life. I create in paint, words, colours, letters and design. I am the principal designer at iDeaMonsters and the creator of LoveLife... all in chilly Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA &