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February 26, 2010



You crack me up.... Here is where I am going to pretend that you are totally crazy (and not in a funny way) and that I have never had any weird fears at all ever....yep. true story.

I know you will have a FANTASTIC time at artfest & am mega jealous.


You are too funny. I lived in the Pacific Northwest for 22 years and I only had a run-in with Bigfoot one time, and he just wanted a banana. And vampires avoid you if you eat a lot of garlic, so stock up.


Wish I were going with you! You will have SO much fun and you will be FINE. :)

leesa salazar

The Pacific Northwest has always kinda scared me too! Maybe it is thinking about fog and rain and lots of dark forests. I am sure that it will be beautiful and you will have lots of fun!

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