Concentrating on getting ready for ArtFest. Finishing up my ATCs and trades. What are ATCs and trades you ask?? Well internet, I'm going to tell you.
Apparently, when people go to ArtFest, they bring lots of stuff with them to trade. These trades can be anything from Artist Trading Cards (ATCs - little 2.5x3.5 pieces of art - there you go!) to charms, to pieces of fibers (fancy name for yarn) and bits of paper. I think anything goes. I am thinking of making cake balls. (If you don't keep up with my Facebook, be thankful that you don't know about these tasty morsels from heaven). Only, I'm afraid I''l eat them all before I get to Seattle.
I also participated in an ATC swap where I will end of book of 28 ATCs from a bunch of very talented women. I had to make 30 ATCs using the theme of fairy tales. Once again, it took forever to come up with something. Then, one day, it just popped into my head. When I went to London/lived in London, I was treated like a princess. Where do you find princesses?? Fairy tales, of course.
I saw it perfectly in my mind and it was in the style of my friend, Claudine Hellmuth, and her lovely Poppets. Claudine is a very talented collage and mixed media artist who has written several books and even has her own product line through Ranger. We met a couple of years ago when she taught at Inspired and became fast friends. She used to live here in Orlando, but moved to Washington, D.C. Thanks to Twitter, Facebook and texting, we have be able to remain close.
I used several items from her Studio Line on my ATCs, including paint, Multi Medium and Sticky Back Canvas. It made it all easy peasy and look great. I also used techniques from her book Collage Discovery Workshop: Beyond the Unexpected.
Of course, I couldn't come close to doing it as beautifully as the original, Claudine, but I thank her for giving me the ideas and techniques.
Those are SO FREAKIN' COOL!!!! Great job!!!
Posted by: Cameron | March 14, 2010 at 10:07 PM
how cute1! you princess you!! thanks for the bloggy mention!!
Posted by: claudine hellmuth | March 17, 2010 at 07:28 PM