Last post, I wrote about my upcoming trip to Port Townsend, Washington to attend ArtFest. I'm a member of a Yahoo group dedicated to the event and all the chatter is getting me pretty excited to go. I learned from the group that everyone brings lots of things to trade. They trade Artist Trading Cards, charms, fibers, pins, stickers, ephemera, paper...etc. It sounds like you are only limited by your imagination. I'm planning on bringing lots of different things.
The theme for this year is fairies or fairy tales. Well, I'm not really into to fairies or fairy tales, so I was a bit disappointed and challenged. Luckily, I have had six months to think of something. I'm pretty proud of what I've come up with.
The first thing is a set of Moo Cards that I am going to have printed. The front will have one of the above photos and the back will have my contact information.
I was just driving down the road one day when I passed the 1 star Fairy Lake Motel. I didn't even know I lived anywhere near a fairy lake! I saw this retro sign and thought, "what if I photograph it and Photoshop it to say Fairy Motel?"
So today, I pulled out the camera (oh camera, I miss you. I'm sorry I have been neglecting you) and drove back to the sign. I snapped some photos as I got cat called from an old man sitting in a lawn chair on the second floor of the motel. Oh yeah, old men want me bad.
Mission accomplished. I Photoshopped one shot to say Fairy Motel and then ran some actions on it to make it look old and grainy. I also liked another shot of the sign from a different angle. The sun was setting behind it and I got this great sun burst and lens flare.
I couldn't decide which one to use, so I will just use them both. I can do that you know. It's my project. I call the shots. Love that.
Love it! Wish I were going with you!!! :(
Posted by: Cameron | March 06, 2010 at 11:23 PM