I'm on my way home from ArtFest in Port Townsend, Washington. Right now I am in the Dallas-Fort Worth airport for a long overnight layover. I really have no idea what time it is because my watch, my laptop and my iPhone all say something different. I have to go to the bathroom, but that means I have to pack up and lug all of my stuff in the stall with me. CNN is playing on the TV behind me and it is repeating the same stories about about the Moscow Metro bombing... I just know that I am so very tired. I have decided that trans-continental flights totally suck and I will take a first class trans-Atlantic flight over this any day.
They say that ArtFest will change your life. I know that is why I went and I think it is probably true. I just have to process it all to figure out what I have learned. I have spent the last five days completely out of my element. I was united by art with 500 other creative women. But just about all of my experience was somewhat uncomfortable. I mean that in a good way. The only way you grow and learn is to push your limits and leave your comfort zones. That, dear internet, I have fully accomplished.
I'm sure I'll have some profound revelations to post after I have slept a full night in my own bed at home. Right now, here are a few photos from my trip.
ArtFest took place in the beautiful, historic town of Port Townsend, Washington. I had to take a ferry to get there! The classes were held on a former military base called Fort Worden. It was established in 1904. Scenes from "An Officer and a Gentleman" were filmed there. Here is a photo of one of the dorms. The large green space in front was the parade grounds. Deer came there every morning to munch on clover and dandelions.
This is a photo of the officer's house that I stayed in. No doubt this place was haunted! Interesting and creepy at the same time.
I stayed in the east side of the house with five other spectacular women. This is probably one of the things that change your life. I'm sure I have found at least one lifetime friend in this great group.
Unfortunately, this in one of the only photos I have of the people at ArtFest. I guess I was just more interested in photographing the landscape. I have only one photo from one of my classes that I took with my iPhone.
It was a class about incorporating photography with painting. Love the final result that I will post later.
And YES! I did see Big Foot.
This life size wooden cutout was in someone's back yard! I also met other women that talked about Big Foot, so I'm not the only one with crazy ideas about the Pacific Northwest.
This was one of my favorite sightings.
I hope you can see it. I tried to accent the colors to make it show up. It is a giant peace symbol created from planted yellow daffodils on the side of a hill. Really, the whole state of Washington impressed me with it's embracing of the arts and creativity.
Sunday I spent the day in Seattle with my new friend and housemate, Michelle. We explored Pikes Market together.
It was truly an amazing place with the most beautiful produce and flowers that I have ever seen. It made me want to buy everything and make delicious healthy food. Just like Yellowstone, in a place like this, the photos just take themselves
And finally, a photo of what is most famous about the market. The fish mongers and their "flying" fish that they toss to each other to wrap up for customers.
And look at this prehistoric ugly thing
It is a monk fish. The guys at the fish market had is hanging off the side of the the display with its long tail buried in the ice. When there was a lull in the activity, they would move it up and down by pulling on the long tail that wrapped around the display and scare passersby.
Lori, so glad you went away. It resulted in you posting something. I've missed your blogs. Pictures are beautiful. Makes me want to pack up and go out there. Glad you're home safe and sound. I'm sure your family is thrilled your home.
Posted by: Joyce | March 29, 2010 at 08:05 AM
I so. wish. I. would. have. been. with. you.
Glad you enjoyed my old stomping grounds in Seattle but. Still. :(
Can't wait to hear more and talk to you about it all. Love you!
Posted by: Cameron | March 29, 2010 at 12:03 PM