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June 02, 2010


Samantha Gotlib


I so enjoy your posts. You are an amazingly gifted writer. I totally agree to listen to your body. I too am struggling with the same issues. I had surgery recently and I am frustrated that I am not feeling better as quickly as I Hoped. I am trying to do too much, too soon and Im paying for it. So today, Im being a good girl and taking it easy! Here's to actually being a good listener!


Good for you for listening to your body.

Every day my body tells me it wants to lay on the couch but lately I have told my body to go screw itself (now that would be something!), I'm going for a run or to the gym. My body doesn't like it one bit but I'm doing it anyway. I'm hoping that one of these days soon my body will realize that the workouts are going to continue and would be a lot easier if I were thinner and will start shedding some of these pounds.


K first. The banner DOES look like an anthropologie catalog and thanks for that. You're waving a crack pipe in front of someone in detox. Jerk. Second, it seems like people are really into this running thing. So much so that I'm thinking of trying it? Maybe?

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