I'm starting off slow and easy by linking to a post by another blogger. I have written several posts on this same topic, but have never written anything better than this.
I'm starting off slow and easy by linking to a post by another blogger. I have written several posts on this same topic, but have never written anything better than this.
Posted at 12:57 PM in Asperger's Syndrome, Bitchin' and Moanin', Blessed and Lucky | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
The Swine (oops, I mean, H1N1 my apologies to pigs) Flu made its second visit to our household this week. This time it was Jack and me. I don't want to make light of what can be a deadly illness, but for us, it was kind of a dud. Fever, headaches and a little upset stomach was what it gave us for almost 5 days.
One night Jack did manage to scare me when his fever reached 104.5! That was not a happy place to be. He had full doses of ibuprofen and Tylenol and it was still raging. I put him in a tepid bath and he cried because he said it was cold. That fever wouldn't budge. Of course, I am all over the internet Goggling high fever, wanting to know when to push the panic button. Every site I went to said that 104 was very high, but 106 was dangerous and could cause brain damage. Well, we are talking about a degree and a half here people! A degree and a half separates "Oh don't worry, it's just his body's way of fighting off a very nasty bug." and "Call 911, he's going to be a vegetable." Oh yeah, and what if my thermometer is off and it was actually higher?
So, as I often do, I gave the Universe and ultimatum. I said that I would give it one more hour and if that fever did not break, I was taking him to the E.R. Well, this time the Universe backed down and so did his fever.
For the next three days, it hovered around 100 degrees - same for me. Jack acted like he felt fine. He just got to stay in his jammies and watch T.V. all day - same for me. Gary and Karen really stepped in to pick up the slack.
Now I wouldn't wish illness on anyone. But this Swine Flu had a couple of enjoyable side effects. It forced me to slow down. I didn't feel stressed about how much was not getting done, because I physically couldn't do it. Guilt free down time - NICE! Plus there is nothing like not being able to do something that makes me really want to do it. For example, I always want to start a new running program when I have blown out my knee. I was almost annoyed that I couldn't work on de-cluttering my house, preparing for our move. I was just too tired and running a fever, after all.
Second, I had my "baby" back. Jack is becoming so independent, but when he was sick he just wanted Mommy. He snuggled with me and slept with me and watched TV with me in the quarantined "sick room." It seems like it has been so long since I have been a needed and wanted Mommy. I ate it up.
Jack enjoyed his week of unlimited T.V. and video games, but he started to get bored today. I guess we are both ready to join the living again.
So I missed Favorite Photo Friday last week. I said that I had a technical difficulty which was not untrue. The problem - I thought I knew what I wanted to write about, but when the time came I just couldn't do it. The post was going to be titled "An Attitude of Gratitude" and it was going to be all about fighting my depression by being thankful and grateful for a day of blessings. I learned this technique many years ago while reading the book Simple Abundance. Oprah recommended it you know! And it really works. It gives you a different perspective on your life.
But Internet, I just couldn't write that post. I can't lie to you Internet (except about my weight. I'll always lie about my weight. And probably my age.... but nothing more. I swear!) I was just in an awful mood and I couldn't muster the "HAPPY! HAPPY! JOY! JOY!" that I needed to have for that post. I was all gloom, doom and everything sucks and my-best-friend-is having-a-great-time-in-Texas-while-I-am-home-taking-care-of-her-kids-and-she-totally-deserves-this-break-with-her-husband-and-I-am-so-glad-that-I-could-help-it-happen-but-I-would-much-rather-be-WITH-her-in-Texas-than-here-with-6-boys-but-just-as-well-that-I-didn't-go-because-I-probably-would-not-have-come-back-and-that-would-be-worser (yes, "worser" is a word in the Hudson household)-because-that-would-mean-that-I-chose-Texas-over-my-current-life-and-oh-yeah-I-hate-Texas.
So I took Thumper's dad's advice "If you can't say (write) anything nice. (sigh) Don't say nothing at all."
Posted at 12:45 AM in Bitchin' and Moanin', Favorite Photo Friday | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Some of you may be familiar with the scrapbooker, teacher, blogger, cupcake maker, Shimelle Laine. She is known for her annual class, Journal Your Christmas. I try to do this every year and usually end up with only a few journal pages. This year she offered another class that stared on September 1st called Learn Something New Every Day. Basically, she gives you writing prompts and art journaling/scrapbooking ideas every day in September. The idea is to learn something new about yourself everyday and document it.
Posted at 05:14 PM in Bitchin' and Moanin', Crap and Nonsense, Crap I Made | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
Thank you to everyone with their sweet, encouraging comments about my last post. Not just on this blog, but in person and through e-mail. Sometimes you think you are all alone in your feelings, especially the ones that you feel horrible to even think, much less admit to anyone. Then you find out that so many people are going through the EXACT SAME THING. It certainly helps to put things into perspective.
Posted at 02:55 PM in Bitchin' and Moanin', London, Photography | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 01:58 AM in Bitchin' and Moanin', Obsessions | Permalink | Comments (3)
This is a story about the second horror of January. This one is a tricky story to tell because I have to change the names and the details. I don’t want to change the names and the details. The star of this story is not innocent. I think this person deserves to be outed to the entire world. I believe that everyone should know the truth about this person. But, out of respect for people that I love dearly, the same people that love this person dearly, I will try to hide this person’s true identity. From this point on, this person will be known as THE FAMILY MEMBER.
About the same time that we learned of Cole’s diagnosis, we received a call from THE FAMILY MEMBER. Like Cole’s diagnosis, it wasn’t a complete surprise. We knew this was coming for a while.
THE FAMILY MEMBER was completely out of money. THE FAMILY MEMBER was on the verge of losing everything and was calling on the Hudson family government for a bailout. THE FAMILY MEMBER requested a bailout package of almost $8,000. Oh and something in THE FAMILY MEMBER’S house (the same house that was receiving threatening letters from the bank) needed to be replaced at a cost of about $3,500.
Unlike the United States government, the Hudson family government was not just going to write a blank check. The Hudson family government could not afford to write a check The Hudson family government knew that THE FAMILY MEMBER would just keep coming back for another bailout. The Hudson family was going to have to do a government take-over.
How did THE FAMILY MEMBER get into such a dire situation? Well, I can’t really tell you. I will honestly tell you that it was not drugs or alcohol. Let’s just say it is something like a gambling addiction. (It is NOT a gambling addiction.) You know how a gambler keeps chasing that one big win. He loves the high he gets from winning and can’t stop gambling to get it? Well this is very very similar to it.
I was upset about now having to support THE FAMILY MEMBER. I was enraged at the position THE FAMILY MEMBER was putting my husband in.
Since my boys were born, I have occasionally experienced what I call the “momma lion syndrome.” If you have kids, you have probably experienced it, too. When you perceive a threat to your family, you find nerve and resolve to defend it at any cost. This liberal pacifist could turn into a murdering lunatic to protect what I love. (Now they can use this post against me at my murder trial!)
Now I don’t need to kill anyone, but there is a definite threat to my family. My husband is so sad and stressed out about THE FAMILY MEMBER. This is really all my dear, single tasking man can handle. He is facing a sobering truth about someone he truly respected and admired.
He is dealing with this, when I really need him to be a part of the team that helps Cole. I can’t do it on my own. Yet right now, I feel like this is all on my shoulders.
Well, it’s March now and things are sorting themselves out. So far, THE FAMILY MEMBER bailout is going better than expected. The problem won’t go away anytime soon, but Gary and I agree on the way to handle it. We are trying to limit our exposure.
And that’s all I am going to say about that.
Probably one last short post on the January horrors and then I will put that awful month behind me. In the mean time, I am getting ready for my trip to London next week. Don’t worry. I’ll have my phone, laptop and of course, camera with me, so it will be like you are going right along, too. Free wi-fi at my hotel – can I hear a wOOt!
Posted at 03:00 PM in Bitchin' and Moanin' | Permalink | Comments (1)
Hello bloggity readers on the world wide web. It would be redundant to say that I have been busy. But it is the Christmas season and I know that, just like me, you are all overwhelmed and crazy. But I have the seasonal cure. DRINK ADULT EGG NOG. Seriously, only once a year do you have such an excuse to indulge in high fat, sugar, cholesterol and alcohol. Imbibe internet! And that's all I will say about that.
Sorry for the stinky photos.
Posted at 11:23 PM in Bitchin' and Moanin', Catching Up, Crap I Made | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Wanda Sykes