Thank you all so much for your prayers and words of encouragement. Luke is doing so much better. I didn't want to post a photo of him because he actually looks worse. His rope burns have started to scab and bruises are coming up. The swelling in him mouth and cheeks, however, is going down.
Monday I had a moment of insanity and thought that the tooth we are trying to save had moved in his mouth. It really looked like it was too deep in his mouth. I called Dr. Bertot and again he said to bring him right in. He took a good look at Luke's mouth and asked me where I thought there was a problem. Apparently, the tooth was just fine and I felt like an idiot. Secretly, I was happy to have it confirmed that everything looked good.
Dr. Bertot referred us to an Endodontist. In a couple of weeks, Luke will have the first of several root canals. We haven't told him about this yet.
Apparently I was suffering a bit of PTSD. When one of Dr. Bertot's dental assistants remarked that the rope could have snapped Lukie's neck, I started to tear up. It just seemed so real that we could have so easily lost him. I was weepy the rest of the day.
Today Luke went back to school to go on a field trip to Kennedy Space Center. I was worried that it would be too much for him, but he was so excited to go that I couldn't say no. He has been so down. I knew it would be better for him to try to get his life back to normal.
Meanwhile, Luke has been the center of attention and he is eating it up. He made me read the name of every person who commented about him on Facebook. He beamed and said "That's people on three different continents." If I can just get my friend, Jana, in Australia to comment, he will have four continents!
He has received gifts, flowers and even a cake. The best thing was get well cards from everyone in the third grade. The cards were so creative and sincere. He and I both really appreciated them.
Since I am not posting photos, I will leave you with some of the funniest cards that Luke received from his friends. Eight and nine year olds are great.
"Luke get well soon. I like pie!"
"Hey Luke I went kayaking for the first time on Sunday, May 2nd 2010, but today is May 3rd, 2010. Hope you get well soon."
"I thought that I would try to make you laugh, but Jack [Hudson] says you have a knot on you so I'm not trying to make you laugh."
And finally, my very favorite:
A crayon drawing of a mouth with black and purple teeth falling out.