If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you know that I am currently in Los Angeles to attend an art retreat. Originally, I was supposed to stay until Sunday... but then came FOOTBALL! and my photo got accepted into The Art of Hope exhibit, so I decided not to go. Then I decided if I could get back home by Friday evening to attend the opening of the exhibit that I would go. Let me just say that it is a really quick trip for such a long plane ride.
So today, at the end of class I went on a "photo safari" to Malibu State Beach to get inspiration for tomorrow's projects. All I can say is "Wow!" The Pacific coast is amazing and beautiful.
I got a chance to quietly explore and remembered a lesson that I learned a long time ago when I used to scuba dive.
It is so easy to get awed and overwhelmed by the big picture. You think you are seeing it all.
But then I remembered to stop and look down. Be still and notice everything. There are so many wonders waiting to be seen.
I'm not talking about a "stop and smell the roses" kind of lesson, although that is always a good and useful thing to do.
I'm talking about slowing down and really noticing the details all around you. For example, the blue of Luke's eyes is a much deeper color than that of his brothers. His eyes remind me of a starburst blue bowling ball.
Someone once said that God is in the details. How very true that is.