October 07, 2010

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  • "I don't know how people with kids cheat. I'm too tired. If you find me in another man's bed, I'm there taking a nap!"

    Wanda Sykes

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    • hudsongrafix. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr

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      I am an artist of life. I create in paint, words, colours, letters and design. I am the principal designer at iDeaMonsters and the creator of LoveLife... all in chilly Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA www.ideamonsters.com & www.love-life.ca
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    • Cathy Zielske
      I'm a college professor with 2 kids. Wait, sorry. That's not me. That's just the suggested example Typepad gives.
    • Ali Edwards
      Scrapbook designer and artist.
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    Member since 09/2005